

Do you want to overcome your OUT OF STATUS Canada issue?

Being out of status in Canada can be a daunting situation, but several options are available to restore your legal status. Each option has specific requirements, processes, and implications. Here are four primary options for individuals who find themselves out of status in Canada: 1. Restoration of status Canada, 2. Spouse Sponsorship inside Canada, 3. H&C Application, and 4. Canadian Temporary Resident Permit (TRP). Answer the questions below, and based on your answers, we’ll email you which option you may be eligible for and provide detailed instructions on what to do next. So, be as accurate as possible.
What was your last status in Canada?(Required)
Are you willing to leave Canada and apply for legal entry from outside the country, OR do you have a valid visa?(Required)
Do you have evidence of any action taken to resolve your Out-Of-Status in Canada? (e.g., applied unsuccessfully for permanent residence to live with a sponsor, applied for restoration within 90 days, etc.)(Required)
Did you meet the initial requirements for your stay as student, worker or visitor?(Required)
Are you inadmissible because you:(Required)
Are you inadmissible for the following reasons?(Required)
Are you currently married to or in a common-law relationship with a Canadian citizen or permanent resident?(Required)
Does your spouse be able to prove that they’re not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability?(Required)
Do you believe your circumstances justify H&C's considerations for granting PR? (e.g., children under 18 who would be directly and adversely affected OR face immediate health and safety risks if you were removed from Canada)?(Required)
Are you eligible to apply for permanent residence in any of these classes?(Required)
Which ones applies to your case?(Required)
Do you have a compelling reason to remain in Canada? (e.g, to finish your study, to stay with your immediate family member who is not Canadian citizen or Permanent resident, etc)(Required)
Are you a failed refugee claimant that(Required)
Are you a designated foreign national that you:(Required)
How did you hear about Arnika Visa?(Required)